Discipleship is a process of reproducing or imparting the life of a teacher to a pupil. It is a life long process, a systematic and cumulative way of making someone (a disciple) to be conformed or transformed into the image, the stature and the full personality of the Master our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
Discipleship is God’s means of achieving His eternal purpose and central goal of calling any man to Himself to be conformed to the image of His Son, the Saviour, JESUS CHRIST, in order that CHRIST might be the first born among many brethren Romans 8:28-29. Hebrews 2:10-11. Without this conformity to His image, such that we become of the same nature, quality and personality with Him, He will be ashamed to call us brethren. Discipleship is the only means designed by God to bring us into the measure of the stature of the fullness of CHRIST growing up into Him in all things. Eph 4:13-15.